The Too-Clever Fox is the second short story I've read by Leigh Bardugo. Bardugo is the author of the Grisha series. After reading her first short story related to this series, The Witch of Duva, I knew I wanted to read her novels. That feeling has only increased after reading The Too-Clever Fox. Both short stories share a fable quality, but it is more present in The Too-Clever Fox. This "fable" teaches a couple of points, which relate somehow to Siege and Storm. The first is the old favourite "don't just a book by it's cover"/"appearances can be deceiving". Koja is the runt of his litter, almost eaten by his mother, but is clever and talked his way out of becoming a meal. His is not a pretty fox. He grows up using his cleverness to get him out of trouble. Eventually, he gains a reputation among the forest animals for his intelligence. So when a threat comes to the woods, the Koja decides he will take care of it. This is where the second lesson comes in. As you can guess by the title, this fox thinks so highly of his cleverness that he doesn't believe he can be outsmarted. Koja should have remembered that appearances can be deceiving.
It doesn't matter if you've read the novels or not, The Too-Clever Fox can be read on its own and enjoyed. I really liked the folktale quality, the messages, the imagery and twist. The end is haunting/disturbing and though I read this story four days ago, it chills me to think of it.

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