Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Top Ten Bookish Confessions (or Something Close To It)

I almost didn’t join in this week, but I’m trying not to become a hermit…  The Broke and The Bookish are asking for my Top Ten Bookish Confessions.  I don’t know if I have any “confessions”.  But here are the top ten things I do because of my love for books.

1. I do not dog ear pages.  The idea of doing it makes me cringe.  If I don’t have a bookmark, scrap of paper or whatever, I look down at the bottom of the page and try to remember the page number.  If that doesn’t happen, the next time I pick up the book, I flip until I find somewhere close to where I left off.

2. I don’t do library fines.  That’s probably because of my book-buying addiction.  Even if I borrow a book, if I like it, I’ll end up buying it.

3. I buy more books than I can read.  I can’t help it.  They’re so pretty.  Especially if they’re on the sale table, it makes it so much more tempting.

4. I refuse to give books away.  Okay, not refuse.  But of my hundreds of books, my hubby asked me to get rid of some so we could make some room (for new books, he did the same thing), I only picked out about eight.  I haven’t actually gotten rid of them yet either.  They’re on the floor of the bedroom.  I was thinking of giving them away here…

5. I never crack the spine.  Sorry.  I know there are people who love the look of a well read book, but I don’t.  I like to keep them pretty.  If I lend a book and the spine comes back cracked, I am obviously unhappy (my hubby is worse).  It’s mine; you should return it in the same condition it was in when you took it (like anything else you might borrow).

6. I talk about characters in books like they’re real people.

7. I never lie about whether I’ve read a book or not.  I won’t fake it just to look smart/cool/popular/whatever.

8. I never lie about whether I like a book or not.  Even if I know everyone else has liked it.

So I know I’m “admitting” these things, but I’m not “confessing” them.  They’re not secrets.  Many of them I’ve mentioned on my blog before.  Though most books I read are fiction, I’m not fictional in my reactions to them.  Fiction may be pretend, but there is a lot of truth in it too.

Too deep for Top Ten Tuesday?


  1. Aren't characters real people? ;)

    1. I like them better than some people I know...

  2. I never crack the spines either. I don't really get why anyone would. Here's Ours

    1. I love, LOVE my books. I also like them to look pretty when I stare at my library... No cracked spines :)

  3. I HATE when people crack the spine or dog ear the pages or anything with a book I've lent them. I have a small number of people I do lend books to, who I know will keep them in nice condition. Seriously, rude thing to do to someone else's book.

    1. I don't lend books a lot either. I've stopped lending to certain people...

  4. Anonymous28/8/12 20:50

    I'm completely different with #5. I prefer cracked spines haha :) Thanks for stopping by!

    1. I know some people love cracking the spines and that's fine, as long as you don't crack mine :)

  5. In a way, I'm proud of the fact that I can't stop buying books!

    1. I love buying books... it's cheaper than shoes :)

  6. I love your line "Though most books I read are fiction, I’m not fictional in my reactions to them." It's a great quote.
