Monday, May 02, 2016

1000 Posts!!!!

Excuse the exclamation marks. I looked over to my sidebar, as I got ready to write a post about the book I'm currently reading, Little Dorrit and noticed that my published post count was at 999. That's a lot. At least I think it is. That makes this bit of babble, my 1000th post. Since that's pretty momentous, I thought I would take the time to look back at my posting history.
First with some stats:
Most used Label: Fantasy
Most read author: Stephen King

Okay, so why was the breastfeeding post the most viewed one? Were people finding my post while looking for information on the "controversy". I don't even have a lot of info in the post, just a quick blurb and the link to the blog where I first saw it. Was it the most viewed because it has the word "breast" in the title? If so, then I suppose a lot of people were disappointed when they clicked the link. I hope that's not true. I hope people wanted to learn about breastfeeding.

At least the second most view post is something bookish, though it does have the word "knickers" in the title. I only vaguely remember the story. I remember being really interested in Leonora Carrington's art. I am pretty sure the story is worth the read and the art is worth the time to appreciate.

Apparently I read a lot of Fantasy books and watch a fair number of Fantasy movies and television shows. Not really surprised. I'm a nerd at heart. My last fantasy story read was Queen Song, by Victoria Aveyard, my last fantasy movie was Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. I typically used the label "fantasy" losely to include most genre fiction.

Am I surprised that my most read author, since starting this blog, is Stephen King? No. I've been reading his books since I was 13. Though, after looking at my blog, I have now just discovered that it's been a year and a half since I read one of his books. Yikes! How have I missed out on one of my favourite authors for so long? I think I'll be reading Full Dark, No Stars soon. Or maybe something older, like Night Shift or 'Salem's Lot. I don't know. Maybe that's the problem, I have too many options.

About a year and half ago, I looked at a year in reading. It was an interesting study in the choices I made for that 12 month period. I thought about doing that again for this post, but maybe I'll save for my next big milestone, which is coming up soon. I started this little ol' blog in July 2006. Guess what year it is now! I can't believe it's been almost 10 years. So much as happened in that time, but I think I'll leave the reflecting until then.

I've loved the evolution of my posts, from the simple smattering of thoughts, to the in depth analyses of character and plot. I loved the ones filled with pictures and ones that were just words. I like that I try not to constrain myself and will post about whatever I want (which is mostly books) and choose to keep other things to myself. I'm excited to see what the next 1000 posts will bring!


  1. Congratulations! Both on the number of posts and on the longevity of the Blog.

  2. Woo!! 1000 posts! And almost hitting the decade mark. Very impressive

    1. Thanks! It's exciting and I'm happy, but it also makes me feel a bit old.
