Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Yours, Mine, and Ours

Yours, Mine, and Ours is the second book in the Cadence Jones series by MaryJanice Davidson. A quick, fun, easy read, it was exactly what I needed. I wanted to like the characters, I wanted a little mystery to figure out, but I didn't want too much tension. I wanted to laugh and wonder, smile at the situations Cadence and her sisters found themselves in.

I feel so much for Cadence. She wants a normal life, but she also has these "sisters" who she actually seems to love. Shiro is also taking Cadence's feelings into consideration. It's a really interesting relationship they have with themselves. Their relationships and behaviour has changed and grown in this novel. I wonder how it will work out in the final book. I'm also left wondering if Davidson will write more books about Cadence Jones. She's an interesting character. Because the plot revolves around solving a mystery/finding a serial killer, I'm wondering if there is the potential for that, or if Davidson ends things pretty conclusively in You and I, Me and You. I guess that just means I have to read it.

I kind of missed Cadence's best friend in this installment. I did, however, like the addition of Agent Thyme. I enjoyed her friendship with Shiro. I liked Shiro more than I did in Me, Myself, and Why?. I'm not sure why, perhaps because she felt like a real person, not just another side of Cadence. Though, I'm still not sure how Adrienne fits into all of this.

I'm not sure I was totally sold on the actual case they had to solve. I expected it to be similar to the first novel, but then it was something else. I usually like when things don't go as I expect them, but in this case, I don't know. I just wish I liked it better.

In the end though, the serial killer is secondary to the characters' actions and growth. It's them I want to see. I want to spend time with Cadence, George, and Patrick, no matter what they are doing. I'm excited to read the final book in the trilogy. It's going to be fun!

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