Saturday, August 18, 2018

Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 was captivating, but also has somehow stopped me from writing all other posts. I'm just stalled. I've written notes on the other books I've read, and there are writing related posts I want to do, but they're not done. So, I'm going to push past this bump in the road. I know why it happened too. Fahrenheit 451 didn't really end, at least not the edition I have.

I hate when this happens. Ray Bradbury's story ended before the book did. There are still 90 unread pages left. I expected more story. I thought Montag was going to reach a particular destination, or at least, one more thing was going to happen. But then the ending happened. In itself, the ending is fine. Les dramatic than I expected, but fine, probably good. I just wish there was something in the table of contents. They included the Introduction (by Neil Gaiman, really well written and I don’t normally like introductions.) I double-checked when I got to the end of the story and it was not just a case of me not paying attention. Now I'm left feeling like the end of Fahrenheit 451 is missing something. I don't think it is though. I've re-read it a couple times, knowing the story is ending, and it's a good ending. I'm just going to have to re-read the whole novel sometime, to get the feel for the whole story.

The third of the book that is literary criticism, essays, etc., is still unread. I was just so surprised to find all this non-fiction commentary on the novel. Now, I'm undecided. Do I read it or leave it? I've read a few novels since I "finished" the story, but I haven't been able to post about any of them. Fahrenheit 451 just keeps calling me back, asking me to finish, but I also just wanted to read a good story and Fahrenheit 451 was that, more than a good story, it was a great story. It reminded me so much of 1984 and Brave New World, not necessarily in the tone or writing style, but in the feeling it gave me. Even though you're rooting for the main character, there's a hopelessness and inevitability in what they are doing. There's also something eerie about the possibility of this future coming true. Especially now. 


  1. I *really* enjoyed the movie (haven't seen any of the Netflix series yet) but haven't *yet* got around to the book.... It's coming though..... Possibly next year [muses]

    1. I haven't seen any of the series yet either, but I really want to.
      The book is so good. If you've read Orwell, you'll like this.

  2. Hi Loni. I wholeheartedly agree, the intro by Neil Gaiman was very good, and I usually don't like intros either. So, IMO the final chapter (or whatever it was called), with non-fiction literary criticism, type of stuff I usually don't read...was also very interesting.

    1. I know I should read it and I have skimmed it a bit. I think I would like it, but because of the way I discovered it, just makes me want to wait until I'm over it.

  3. That is frustrating to think you have more story and then NOPE, those last pages are NOT more story and your expectations are all shot. I was going to say I haven't read this in a couple years and then realized I last read it in college which was over 10 years ago and now I feel old and want to hide in bed for a while.
