Wednesday, November 14, 2018

NaNoWriMo Update - Halfway

But not really.

The story I want to tell isn't going to fit into 50,000 words. I feel like I'm going to 90k. Can I do that in a month? Maybe if I had realized this on November 1st. Now? Nope.

Enter the mom-guilt.

I tried to type out a non-mean, non-sucky description about what the last couple weeks have been like in my house, but it's not working. Let's just say that November has been different. I've appreciated it, but also felt bad, and so many emotions.

So, NaNoWriMo...That's where I'm at. I'm halfway done, but not exactly. At least I'm confident that I can write 50,000 words in one month.


  1. Congrats! Mine will go beyond, too, but after hitting the goal I'm relaxing for a week before I finish the last few chapters.

    1. I'm considering taking a break, but I'm also thinking if I could plow through to the end if I give it another week. After that it's Xmas stuff all the time.
